Hualien Stone Sculpture Museum

Pass the Flame onto the next generation

Pass the Flame onto the next generation
The proposition of the work implies that the artist has undertaken two roles, i.e. both the elder who is carving and the onlooking young man. While the elder is chiseling the unfinished stonework, expecting the artist would carve out the trajectory of life through one by one chisel, as well as pass down his good workmanship and the spirit of sculpture to the next generation. The work symbolizes that the artistic creativity and rich aesthetic changes in the past, the present and the future have been intersected here and now, while the roles of the elder and the young onlooker represent the contemplation of past tradition and the expectation for the endless possibility of future development. The presentation of the work just exactly means the creator’s hands would never stop, and through the inheritance from generation to generation, his workmanship and thoughts would be extended and developed.
  • Administration: Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau   Keep
  • Location:Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau Campus
  • GIS:23.98935,121.62818