Stone Sculpture
Tensions Of Life
Moja skulptura prikazuje, kako nas svet poskuša stiskati in obvladovati, vendar še vedno nadaljujemo z življenjem, ki ga želimo živeti.
Napetosti so težave, ki vsak dan močno vplivajo na naše življenje
V časih, v katerih živimo, pozabimo nase, da tečemo v krogu dapreživimo in izpolnimo naše potrebe, ki nam jih v mislih vsiljujejo mediji,
vlade in drugi zunanji vplivi
Glede na trenutno situacijo, ko so ljudje prisiljeni ostati doma
kmalu lahko ugotovimo, da so napetosti iz vsakodnevne rutine razbremenjena in dejstva, katera so res pomembne, prihajajo na
površje iz globine naše duše
Težko je utelesiti nekaj, česar ne morete videti
Zamislite si dušo kot gobo, ki absorbira neželene informacije in
ustvarjajo napetosti, ki oblikujejo naše stanje duha.
S prizadevanjem, da bi duši dali telo v obliki skulpture Napetostne točke stisnejo element in ustvarijo abstraktno obliko… točke
stisnejo element in ustvarijo abstraktno obliko… Življenje samo po sebi nima napetosti, ustvarjamo jih v mislih. My Project is showing how the system is trying to distress us but we still carry on with the life we want to live. Tensions are problems that are doing a big impact on our lives on daily bases…In the times we live we forget about ourselves running in a circle to survive and four fill our needs which the media is giving to us The soul is like a sponge absorbing unwanted information and creating the pressure points and they are forming our state of mind.
stisnejo element in ustvarijo abstraktno obliko… Življenje samo po sebi nima napetosti, ustvarjamo jih v mislih. My Project is showing how the system is trying to distress us but we still carry on with the life we want to live. Tensions are problems that are doing a big impact on our lives on daily bases…In the times we live we forget about ourselves running in a circle to survive and four fill our needs which the media is giving to us The soul is like a sponge absorbing unwanted information and creating the pressure points and they are forming our state of mind.