Hualien Stone Sculpture Museum

Wind and the Sun

Wind and the Sun
The work, Wind and Sun, is made from fifteen tons of stone that have a hardness of 5.0. It expresses the intimate relation between nature and the earth. The base is comprise of a hemisphere, which looks like a radiating sun. Through the rhythm of the wind and warmth of the sun, the work express a synergy between softness and fortitude. Installed by the Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau, it corresponds with the ocean that stretches ahead, evoking a dynamic sense of visual extension.
  • Awards:1971年全省教師美展雕塑部第一名,1977年全國 蔣公勳業雕塑特展,獲石雕大獎,並恭置於台灣國立藝術館 ,1979年獲中國文藝協會第二十屆文藝獎章(美術雕刻獎) ,1994年獲第四屆花蓮縣薪傳獎,1999年花蓮國際石雕藝術季戶外創作營入選
  • Administration: Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau   Keep
  • Location:Qixingtan Scenic Area
  • GIS:24.03133,121.62893