Hualien Stone Sculpture Museum

Transmutation III---Gestation

Transmutation III---Gestation
The images and properties of natural materials are very important elements in the artist’s creation, while the interaction of those images and properties has switched on the vitality of his stonework, and they are also building up the connotation of his works between the shapes and aura. The stonework presents an egg in transmutation which is the beginning of gestating a life, while there is an implicit human shape curled within levels of afterbirths in the prelude of levitation to become as light as a feather (and ascend to heaven to become immortal in Daoist immortal legend), it keeps struggling and wriggling, such incomparable power and hope are annealing the gorgeous butterfly. With the help of human skeleton’s stretched-out tension and changes, the artist tries to use classic aesthetics to create various possibly aesthetic senses in contemporary sculpture so as to express the dynamic beauty.
  • Administration: Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau   Keep
  • Location:Hualien County Government
  • GIS:23.99407,121.62077