Hualien Stone Sculpture Museum

Cynthia Sah

Cynthia Sah
Italy / Female

Cynthia Sah

Cynthia Sah

2000   Director of Italian Art Association, ASART
2002   Founder of Italian Arkad Art Foundation
2004   Member of Royal British Society of Sculptors

Born in Hong Kong, Sa, Tsan-Ju obtained her Master’s Degree in Arts and Pedagogy in the U.S.A.  Since 1975, she has participated in exhibitions in New York, Italy and London.  In 1978, she went to Academy of Fine Arts, Pietrasnta to carry out a project of marble sculpture creation that was sponsored by school; she then moved to Pietrasnta and laid the foundation of her creation environment.  She has worked for SemGhelardini Studio as an assistant in charge of making art works for a few sculptors like Henry Moore, Jean Arp and Barbara Hepworth; meanwhile, she was also working on her own creation.  In 1991, she won the 1st Award of Modern Sculpture, R.O.C. Taiwan.  She completely understands the quality, quantity, inner space as well as how its space existing, its light and the people echo.  The shapes and the lines of her works are performed in harmony as a whole through the natural features of the material.  Having lived in Italy for 30 years, she said, “Marble stones are similar to my personality.  They are hard and slippery, and there is life and lots of light within.”  Her works reflect the stillness in oriental philosophy and the leisurely movement as well as the miraculous power in the air from the shapes formed with stone or bronze.  Her monumental sculptures and public art completely perform the subtle changes in texture in the material and the minimalism in aesthetics.