Stone Sculpture
Dancing Breath
Respiro Danzante
Due corpi sono colpiti dal soffio che trasporta musica.
Il suono della pietra li unisce in una danza emozionante.
La musica influenza il vivere dell’essere umano.
Il respiro è il primo a essere coinvolto,
poi il cuore…
e da li, tutto il corpo ne è suddito
Two bodies are hit by the breath that carries music The sound of the stone unites them in an emotional dance Music influences the life of the human being Breath is the first to be involved Then the heart ... And from there, the whole body is subject to it
Two bodies are hit by the breath that carries music The sound of the stone unites them in an emotional dance Music influences the life of the human being Breath is the first to be involved Then the heart ... And from there, the whole body is subject to it
- Awards:2020 Hualien International Stone Sculpture Festival Judges' List Award
- Administration: 花蓮縣文化局 Keep
- Location:Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau Campus
- GIS:23.98949,121.6283