

母性的大海,孕育生命並呵護茁壯,而七星潭獨特的月牙灣,如同母親的懷抱,溫暖包容。本次作品以珍貴稀有的抹香鯨與熱情擁抱的月牙海岸為題,搭配刻上花蓮地圖的底座,象徵異鄉遊子回歸花蓮溫暖的懷抱,並溫柔的向他說聲:「歡迎回家!」 The sea of motherhood nurtures life and takes care of it, while the unique Crescent Bay in Chishingtan is like a mother's embrace, warm and tolerant. The theme of this work is the precious and rare sperm whale and the warmly embraced Crescent Coast, with the base carved on the map of Hualien, symbolizing the return of the wanderer to the warm embrace of Hualien, and said to him gently, "Welcome home!".
  • 管理單位: 花蓮縣政府   典藏
  • 所在位置:三角公園
  • GIS座標:23.97013,121.61101
歡迎回家之局部 歡迎回家之局部