



第11屆「花蓮國際石雕藝術季」主題訂為「大石代」(The Grand Stone Era),延續第10屆主題「藝術向東」之精神,「大石代」旨在回歸原創精神、創造觀念並引領時代風潮。「石雕」雖作為傳統藝術,但傳統並不代表落後,透過經典價值的不斷闡述與詮釋,一樣能歷久彌新。我們認為,「創新」並非徒具形式或標新立異,而是必須建立在美學的秩序內涵中,跟隨大時代的脈動與時俱進,方能彰顯「石雕」這門藝術在當代的定位與意義。



Grand Stone Era-2017 Hualien International Stone Sculpture Festival

Being absent for three years, Hualien International Stone Sculpture Festival will be taken place again from 1 to 31 July this year. The event has been held for ten times and it has been more than twenty years since Hualien County organized the first festival in 1995. All the events have not only won a good reputation and brand of excellent arts and literature for Eastern Taiwan, but also accumulated more than one hundred huge outdoor masterpieces to provide residents and travelers with idyllically cultural enjoyment, made the art of stone sculpture in Hualien famous all around the world and turned it to be an important local-art asset.

The theme of the eleventh “Hualien International Stone Sculpture Festival” is “The Grand Stone Era” which continues the thematic spirit of the tenth counterpart “Arts Eastward”, while the purpose consists in returning to the original creation-spirit, creating concepts and leading the current of the time. Though stone carving is a traditional art, it never means out-of-date, and it can also become timeless with never fading charm when we keep on explicating and expounding its classical values. It is supposed that “creation” is not token or way-out but should be built within the aesthetic order and connotation as well as follow the pulse of the time and catch up with the time spirit, so as to manifest the contemporary position and meaning of “stone carving art”.

The event has played a role to be the connecting platform between “stone sculpture” and “the world”, which means not only to build up an excellent creation space for the preeminent artists around the world, but also let the world see the beauty of Hualien and let the quintessence of the world’s stone sculpture be collected in Hualien so that the residents would know and appreciate its connotation.

Chen Shu-mei,
Secretary of Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau
